Sunday, September 19, 2010

Gallary Reception at CR

So, Caitlyn was very proud of her Stary Night Cake for the Humboldt County Fair. Well, imagine her surprise when she was asked to put the cake in a gallary show at College of the Redwoods! She was so excited. This week we went to the reception, which was very exciting. Keep in mind this is the same cake that we made Aug. 17th, the same cake that sat at the fair for 2 weeks, yes, it is still perfect, it is just a frosted crouton! I'm amazed at how great it still looks! Maybe we'll keep it around for a few years! Congrats Caitlyn!


We went up the Trinity Lake for Labor Day weekend. It was really fun and relaxing. We went up early Sat. morning. We spent all day Sat. and Sun. on the boats and came home on Mon. morning (so I could go to school and do work!) It was beautiful and nice to relax with friends and family. The kids always love it when we go up to the lake. It's a nice change of pace!
Really, Blaine was with us, but I only took about 12 photos and he didn't make any! Sorry B!

First day of School!

Blaine's 1st day of Jr. High..he's excited!
Ky ready for 4th Grade!
Jared is excited for 5th grade!

Really, Sis is the only one excited for school!!

Ok, so it was a few weeks ago...but I've been busy! Now that I'm a "real" teacher the blog has fallen behind. Sorry. But anyway, here are the photos of the first day of school. Everyone....well, most everyone was excited for the first day! It is always nice to start off fresh and to see all the friends you've missed over the summer! Bring it on!