Monday, July 26, 2010

off to camp...

Jared, Kyler and Caitlyn are off to TLC camp! We dropped them off yesterday (Sun.) and will pick them up on Fri. afteroon! This is Jared's 2nd year, but the first year for Ky & Sis. They are all super excited. Ky & J are in a cabin together, but sis is on her own! No worries, they will all make friends soon! I'll be missing them but I know they will have fun!

A day at the Zoo!

Jared, Caitlyn, Grace, Luke and I went to the zoo on a nice day! First off, I didn't realize the zoo charges day turns expensive day in no time! But the day was beautiful and we had a great time! The animals were all out playing, except for the new red pandas (of course) and the zoo was really nice. They have done a lot of work (thanks to the new fees) We had lunch, ice cream and enjoyed the animals and sunshine!

Locks of Love

Caitlyn has been growing out her hair to donate to Locks of Love for over a year. She has donated once before and she was excited to donate again. Well, after our camping trip I realized I couldn't send her to TLC camp to brush her own hair for a week! Yikes, she'd come back with dreds! So, we went and got it cut. We had to send in at least 10 inches for a donation, I think we cut off 10 1/2 inches! It is so cute nice and short! She loves it and loves the fact that she is helping someone else! That's my girl!

Last day of camping...

Our last day of camping was spent hanging around the pool and having fun in the campsite. We played lots of games, mini-golf, swam for hours, played in the park and enjoyed the great outdoors. It is always so much fun to leave your cares behind and just hang out. Nice vacation, we are all excited to go camping again!

Water slides!

Blaine & friend on Avalanche!

During our camping trip we took a day to go over the the Redding Water Slides. It was lots of fun and very hot, 103 degrees! It was nice to play in the pool, relax in the Lazy Lagoon and rip down the water slides. Everyone had a great time. All the kids made friends and were off and about. Luke loved swimming in the pool and floating in the lagoon! It was a great break from camping!

Friday, July 23, 2010

tubin' & jumpin'

Jared Kyler

Blaine..tubin' & jumpin'

The kids had lots of fun swimming, but tubing and jumping in the lake was equally fun! Kyler, Caitlyn & Blaine all tubed behind the boat. Jared, Blaine & Kyler jumped off the top of our friends Patio boat (at least 10 feet off the water!) It was really impressive to watch the boys jump! What a fun way to spend time with family!!

Boatin' at Trinity Lake

We had a family camping trip up at Trinity Lake over the weekend. Ky, Luke and I went up early Fri. and set up camp, Aaron, Blaine, Jared & Sister followed later that night (after an overheated car & car switch they arrived at 10:15). But Sat. & Sun. we had a fun on Grandma GG's boat! Luke & Sister had fun driving the boat, while the rest of us relaxed and swam!! What a wonderful weekend!

swim lessons

The four youngest kids took swim lessons at HSU for two weeks. Yes, we drove to HSU everyday for 2 took about 3 hours there and back for our 1/2 hour swim lesson! But it was worth it, the kids are swimming way better and Luke loves the water. Luke and I did a lesson together (dad came one day...hence the photos) and he loves to kick, jump in the water, will dunk under and throw & fetch floating toys! The other three are much better at swimming and look like they know what they are doing now! All in all it was a fun week!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

July 4th

Well, for the fourth the boys went with their grandparents in the morning and Jared & Sister went to their dads in the afternoon. So, we went downtown to enjoy the festivities before the wind and cold set in. It was fun to walk around, see the different booths, play some games, eat yummy food and enjoy an ice cream. Happy Birthday America!

Luke turns 2!

Well, our little boy is getting to be a big boy! Luke turned two on the 11th and we had a fun family party for him! Of course it was sports ball themed! He is such a freak about balls!! He waited all day saying "party? party?" because he knew he couldn't open anything until the party. It was very cute. We had a BBQ, opened gifts and had cake and "i kem" it was delicious! Luke was very excited about birthdays, another wonderful day, all about Luke!