Sunday, May 9, 2010

A quick, but Awesome track season!

Blaine ran track this year for the first time. He only had 4 track meets, but he was awesome! Yesterday was his final meet. He got 1st in every event he ran: the mile, the 800m, the 400m and the 200m! He bettered his times in each event everytime he ran! He did awesome! He is excited about running, and we might have found a new spring sport! (it is hard to take running photos!)

Blaine running out front! (green)

We finally did it!

The progression of becoming a Big Boy!

All smiles at first...

Shouldn't this be on my head?
This lady is really gettin' on my nerves!
The fun is quickly wearing off..
A big boy..yes, that is Luke!
Ok, with much regret I must report that Luke had his first haircut. He is still absolutely adorable, but all the curls are gone. I took him to the mall and the lady cut it all off. I saved a bag of curls, but we still miss them. He looks so "big boy!" Here are the photos of the event. Notice there aren't many at the end, that is when he was sitting on my lap kicking and screaming! But the cookie at the end made it all better.

Christian Outdoorsmen

Aaron took the two younger boys, Ky & J, to Christian Outdoorsmen for a weekend of fun and fellowship. They stayed in the cabins at TLC and shot guns, played paintball, did archery, and hung out with lots of other guys. They had so much fun. They won lots of "cool" guns, sleeping bags and "boy things." It was a great time for the boys and dad!

While they were gone Caitlyn and I redid the laundry room. It is so cheerful and bright now. A joy to do laundry (hee hee).

Kyler's Baseball

Ky is playing baseball this year, it is his first year. He is really loving the game and doing awesome. He is in coach pitch and just loves hitting the ball and making outs. We are only 1/2 way through the season, so I'm sure we'll have lots more exciting games!


The boys LOVE water! Ridin' the roller coaster!

Luke & Mads on the slide.

Aaron, Luke and I went down to Sacramento to visit my best friend and her family. It was so nice to get out of town and see some good friends and sunshine. We just hung out and enjoyed the kids. We walked to the park one day and had a picnic and played, Luke had so much fun. Luke really loved playing in the water with little E and riding his roller coaster! We did a little shopping, and of course a trip to Big Spoon! Luke is a big fan!
Me and my girl!

Little M...he's so adorable