Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Easter Egg/Hand dying

Last night we also did our Easter Eggs. The kids had a great time coloring their eggs....and their hands. I'm not sure how many actually turned out well, but it was a quick, fun mess none the less. We are ready for the sun to show up and hide eggs!

Early April Fools Dinner

So, for the last four years we've celebrated April Fools Day with a fun dinner. For each person I type up each dinner item onto a paper, cut them up and then put them in a cup. Then we have several courses of dinner. You have to choose 3 items out of the cup and that is your first course. Then you go on until all 4 courses are done. The fun part is forks, spoons and knives are part of the choice too. Once you use/eat an item it's not a choice again. Last night we had salad (lettuce, tomatoes, carrots and dressing), lasagna (noodles, meat, sauce, mozzarella cheese and parmessan cheese), garlic bread and ice cream. One of my courses was a knife, salad dressing and parm. cheese. Yuck. The kids love it because it is the one night of the year they don't get in trouble for eating with their fingers! Blaine, Sister and Jared had to eat their ice cream with their hands! Too fun! It is the perfect way to celebrate the fools in my family!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Dancing Around the World

Caitlyn had her spring recital today. It was very charming! Every class did a dance from a different country, Caitlyn's class did Russia. They were little babushka dolls. Cute. We all went and enjoyed watching the dances, especially our little doll!

Daddy's helper

Aaron had to fix something under the car, and Lukie wasn't going to let him work alone! It was so cute I had to get my camera out. Good photo for showing his girlfriends later! He does love being a "workin' man!"

Pinewood Derby -2nd Place Overall!!

Kyler had his Pinewood Derby today, and did awesome! He was the fastest bear and won 2nd out of all the other racers! He got two big 'ol trophies and a smile as big as you can get! It was so exciting watching him as his car crossed the finish line! We were all very excited! Go Kyler!

Saturday, March 20, 2010


Luke LOVES bas-key-bal (aka basketball)! He loves to carry around his basketball and stand under the hoop. When we would go to one of his brother's games he couldn't wait until it was over so he could get a shot at the hoop! No matter what you ask Luke, the answer is probably, bas-key-bal!

Our first Magnolia

We planted this magnolia tree two summers ago...and it is finally producing flowers. I don't think that it has grown more than 1/2 an inch, but this year it has lots of buds. The first flower opened yesterday and it was so exciting. I had been watching it for the past week, waiting for this moment! Beautiful!

Friday, March 19, 2010

First flowers!

Today was an absolutely beautiful day! Spring is literally just around the corner and the sun was shining, the flowers (weeds) were blooming, and we wer loving it! Luke and I were outside enjoying the sun. He was running around the front lawn picking all the daisies he could find. Then he lovingly brought the handful of crushed daisies and gave them to his Mama. It melted my heart, my first flowers picked by my baby! Welcome Spring!

Caitlyn's gift

Caitlyn's "friend" had a birthday on Wed. So we designed a card to give him for his birthday! She had so much fun creating it and thinking of what the candy could say. In the end she wrote..."Happy Birthday! U-No we'll be friends Now & Later. You always make me Snickers! I wanted to give you 100 Grand for your birthday, but all I could afford were four candy bars. Love, Caitlyn" She was very excited about her gift!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Foggy Bottoms

We all walk/ran in the Foggy Bottoms race today (well, Luke stayed home with Noni). It was a great day and lots of fun! Blaine came in 10th in the 2 mile race! Pretty darn good, as there are hundreds of people that run. The rest of us had a much more leisurely "race." All the kids got medals and it was a great family activity!

Kyler's B-ball

Kyler played rec league basketball this season, and had his Dad as the coach. They had a fun season and they both enjoyed spending time together. It has been fun to watch Ky as he grows and improves over the years!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Here Comes Peter Cottontail!

Ok, anyone that has kids can understand this blog. Easter egg hunting! My kids LOVE to hide those dang plastic eggs and find them. I bet they will do it everyday from now until Easter...multiple times a day! Today was the first official hunt. Jared made a sign (notice below) advertising the nights events and we were off! Even little Luke got into the hunt this year! I'll spare you the daily hunting photos, but thought I'd kick off the Easter holiday with these!

6th grade basketball!

Blaine (#32) has had a busy year with sports. We have had a busy basketball season, and we are nearing the end. I'm just getting some pictures taken and posted though. It is hard to take pictures and watch Luke and three other kids! B has had a great season and his growth spurt this year has lead him to be the tallest on his team! He is great at rebounding! Aaron is helping to coach too, which has been nice for the two of them. A few more games and we're on to the next sport!