Sunday, February 21, 2010

More Family Photos

Here are a few more wonderful photos....

Family Portraits

Our friend Megan is starting up her own photography company and she came and did portraits for our family. We are so excited about the shots she got. She really captured our family!

Bike Riding

For Christmas Luke got a seat for momma's bike. So today after church, dad, mom and luke worked on putting it on the bike so the three of us could go on an afternoon bike ride. Luke helped daddy with the tools and losing the washers for the bike. But we finally got it all together. We took a photo of the test "sit" (reason why we're not wearing our helmets yet) then we put the bikes in the back of the truck and drove down the hill. We rode out to the bird wildlife sanctuary and then went on a hike to see all the Canadian Geese. Luke loves the birds! It was so much fun! Thanks for the great gift Grandma GG!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

My little apple peeler...

As I was working on this blog it got rather quiet in my house. I was just about to go see what Luke was up to but then I heard him running around the livingroom. All is well, I thought. Later I went out to see what he was doing....he had climbed up on the kitchen table, gotten an apple and decided to eat it. But he doesn't like the my kitchen, dining room, living room and coffee table was covered with apple peel bites. There was Luke sitting on the coffee table taking bites and spitting them out onto the floor. Oh how sweet!

Hide 'n Seek

J & Luke were the only kids home this morning so they had a rousing game of Hide 'n Seek! Luke loved finding his brother! It was cute to watch Luke "hide" and wait to be found. Actually he usually jumped out of his hiding spot before being found. Too cute!

Fun & Cookies at the Mall

While we were waiting for Sister at ballet, Luke, J and I went to play at the mall and have a cookie! Luke loves the slides and his big brother is so good at helping him to negotiate all the other big kids. Then we took Luke over to the "Quarter" rides (when did they start to cost a dollar?) and he loved those. Although he liked them better without motion, good boy! Fun times!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Paragliding over Hawaii

So, 6 years ago when I went to Hawaii I really wanted to Paraglide, but the winds weren't cooperating. This trip I told Aaron that was the one thing I really wanted to do. So, we did! Mom, Aaron and I drove up to Haleakala to paraglide 3000 feet down the volcanoe! It was amazing. We did tandem jumps with an instructor, ran down the hill until we were lifted up by our parachute....then it was an amazing float down the mountain! You could see both coastlines and the entire valley floor! Aaron and I were able to fly at the same time and mom followed shortly after! WOW! This was a once in a lifetime experience we'll all never forget!

Old Lahaina Luau

On Thurs. night, to celebrate Aaron's birthday, we went to the Old Lahaina Luau. It was an amazing night. The food, drinks and dancing were all fantastic. We had a great time and really enjoyed the night!

Hawaiian vacation!

Aaron and I went to Hawaii to celebrate our "belated honeymoon." We stayed with Grandma GG and Ricky in their timeshare and had a great time. We left all the kids at home and just enjoyed being together. (of course we missed them, but it was soooooo relaxing!) We did so much and still managed to relax and just lay at the beach with a pina colada in our hands! Fantastic!


On Aaron's birthday we got up early to zipline around Hawaii. We had so much fun zipping through the valleys. We were with a great group of people and our guides made the trip a blast! The view from the top of the valley was amazing! Lots of fun! Who said you have to slow down the older you get! Ha!

Biking the volcanoe...

While in Hawaii we decided to bike down the dormant volcanoe Haleakala. We were picked up at our hotel at 2:45am! Wow, that was early! But worth it too. We drove up the the top of the crater and watched a moonrise and sunrise! They were amazing. And there were so many stars! We were at 10,000 feet, so we were above the clouds viewing it all! Beautiful! After the sun rose we drove down to 6500 feet and then biked down to the ocean! It was fast, curvy and fun! What a morning. We were home to lay on the beach by 11am! What a morning!