Wednesday, January 13, 2010


So, the kids got a trampoline for Christmas and they LOVE it! They are out on that thing everyday! I lLOVE it! It is really fun to watch the kids....far out in the yard....bouncing...for hours!! What a wonderful gift.... for everyone!! :)

Christmas Morning!

Aaron and I woke the kids up early Christmas morning to open their gifts and see what Santa brought them! We did let Luke sleep in a little. It was great to see all the kids faces opening their gifts! They all agreed that they got everything they wanted! Then Noni, Papa Doug, Uncle DJ, Uncle Nate, Auntie Julie, Aidan & Avery came over for presents and breakfast. It was a fun and crazy Christmas morning! The kids got a trampoline from everyone, and they were very excited! J and Sis left around 10:30 and we spent the rest of the day enjoying all our gifts! Another perfect Holiday season!

Christmas Eve

On Christmas Eve Grandma GG, Ricky, Grandpa and Diana came over for dinner and our gift exchange. We always have little snacks, deli trays, salads, shrimp and sweets for our holiday Christmas Eve dinner. Then J, Sis and Lukie got to open their presents from the grandparents. Lukie was so much fun this year. He really understood about opening presents and was so excited by what was inside! B and Ky come home at 9pm and get to open theirs. It is always nice to have everyone home and in their new Christmas jammies for that special night!

Christmas with Uncle Shawney & Auntie Meghann

Meg and Shawn couldn't be here for the holidays, but they came the week before. So we had dinner with Grandma GG & Ricky and celebrated Christmas. (B and Aaron were at basketball practice). It was a fun, but way too short, visit!

School Christmas Programs

All the kids (well the ones in school) had programs at school to celebrate the holidays. It was fun to go and see the kids perform. Since I was teaching Jared's class I only have an "after" picture. I always love to see the kids perform, it's all those other classes that take forever!! :)

The famous the Nutcracker!

This was sister's 3rd year in the Nutcracker and we are moving up! She was a farm animal, a chicken, to be exact! She was absolutely adorable and was a perfect chicken. Although I'm not sure she had any actual ballet moves. It was another fun year of long rehearsals and exciting performances. She loves it!

Ho Ho Ho...

We all went to see Santa Clause this year. It was really fun. A few days before I preped little Lukie. We were walking by the jolly old man and we stopped to visit, not sit, but we got a candy cane. Well, I soon found out that Lukie LOVES candy canes. So our next visit wasn't tramatic since Luke knew a candy cane was involved! It was fun!

Spa Slumber Party!

Sis turned 8 this year and had her first slumber party! (yes, it did bring back my slumber party memories of making up routines and talking until parents told us to go to bed!) We had a family dinner and then waited until the following weekend to have her party (Nutcracker schedule!) She had over a few girls and they were very girly! They gave facials, did makeup and painted toes and fingernails. Then they watched movies and had a great time! It was great!

We are blessed!

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving Dinner at our house this year. Almost all our family came and it was absolutely delicious! We had the traditional fixin's and a house full of family, followed by the boys wrestling and terrorizing the house...ahhh the holidays!

Fun on Thanksgiving Break!

We hung out a lot during the break, having fun and doing lots! We played lazertag, went to the movies, went out to lunch and hung around the house! Here's a glimpse into our "fun!" King Lukie had a great time watching his court dance and have hailball fights

Blaine's 12th Birthday

Blaine hit that final birthday before the teen years, (but he has hit those, I-know-everything-you-are-dumb-parents stage). We had a nice dinner with family and the next weekend Aaron took him and his friends to the pool, lunch and lazertag! They had a great time! Aaron said it was "interesting" being in the car with 6 pre-teen boys! Oh the fun!