Monday, November 2, 2009

Carving Pumpkins!

On Monday night we all carved our pumpkins. (except for B, he was sick) After an early dinner we got everything ready to carve, pull out "guts" and give our pumpkins a face. The kids had a great time carving them how they imagined. Sis, who picked out a green pumpkin, had hers planned for Frankenstein since she saw hers in the patch! The boys had fangs and scary features, while mine was a smilin' Jack-O-Lantern! It was fun to carve and then roast the pumpkin seeds. Yum! It's so great now that the kids are old enough to do their own pumpkin carving! What amazing results! (Oh, and Sis won the pumpkin contest at school with hers!)

Next stop...the Pumpkin Patch

On Sunday after the party (and ballet and football) we went with our friends to the Pumpkin Patch. We went out to the patch in Blue Lake, and it was the best year ever! We always go there because we love the hay maze, corn maze and riding the tractor out to the patch, but this year the pumpkins were amazing! They were all huge and bright orange. It was a great afternoon and we had a hard time finding which one was the most perfect! I love the pumpkin patch!

Halloween party

The Boys- Kyle, J & Ky Biggie Bigs bobbin' for apples The cutest monkey!

We had a great turn out to our 3rd annual Halloween party! We actually had the party a week before Halloween, because I didn't want to have one on the real day, too many halloween family traditions to compete with. We had quite the turn out, over 50 people dressed up and crowded into our house. We always decorate the garage with black tableclothes, so it is known as "the cave." We were lucky this year, because it didn't rain. The kids ran all around the house, inside and out! It was a blast. Everyone dressed up and everyone had fun. We had dinner, fun and lots of games. The kids bobbed for apples, ate donuts off a string, searched for missing parts of the witches brew and tried to open candy bars with oven mitts on. It was lots of fun and laughs. I have lots of photos (thanks to all my friends) and can't wait for next year....well, maybe I can wait, it's a lot of work! Happy Halloween!

Pippi & Mr. Nelson The kids (minus B and his friends)

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Ky's 8th Birthday!

Ky turned 8 when were down at Kris & Dave's wedding, so we had to celebrate his birthday when we returned home. The family all came over for dinner, hamburgers and sundae bar, on Monday night. Ky had a great time. He got everything he asked for! Basically lots of Nerf guns and a fun new DS game. He was very happy with all his gifts. I can't believe the kids are getting so old, so fast! Wow!