Wednesday, July 22, 2009

One year photos

Today I took the biggie bigs to get his one year photos at Sears. There were quite a few tears and clinging hugs to momma, but in the end there are some dang cute photos. So many that I spent $170 on photos. Oh well, they are only one once...then two, then three... It is a never ending saga of money. But as I always say when scrapbooking, I'm preserving their life! Enjoy a few photos and let me know if you need some...I bought the CD too.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The Hospital!

Well, it started out as a regular day, until J told me about the "bump" in his mouth that was bugging him. I looked in and he had "blood blister" type bumps in his mouth (3 to be exact) I could tell they weren't normal so I called the dr. to see him that day. Luckily we were able to get in first thing in the morning. We had planned to go to the park with a friend and her son, so she just watched the other kids. Well, the Dr. noticed that J's blood was not clotting and he sent us for blood tests. The nurse said "this could be nothing or something major, we'll call you asap!" So, needless to say I was sick with worry. We continued out to the park until the Dr. called us at 1:15 (pretty fast) J had ITP, which means his blood platelet count was really low. Normal is 125,000 and J's was 4000. Yeah, a little low! So, we had to go to the hospital for an IV of meds. We checked in around 4. (bless my friend and family members who took the rest of the kids) Finally the IV was started aroun 7pm and in until 5am. Then we had to wait for the blood test results to see if his body stopped kicking out his platelets. (basically he was fighting an infection and his body got confused and started removing the platelets). The first blood test only showed slight improvement, but we did another one around noon and it came back with positive results and a much higher platelet count. So, J was released from the hospital! YEAH! He was ready to go, what started out as fun soon lost its luster! So, now we just need to do daily blood tests (J is not happy about that) until we get closer to the normal range. It was an absolutely frightening moment not knowing what was going on, but all turned out well. We are just praying that his body continues on this path!

Friday, July 10, 2009

How could I forget...this major event!

Well, my little girl is growing up. She asked to get her ears pierced! I decided it was fine, with a limit on her earring choices. As she told her brother at the dinner table "it's not appropriate" for little girls to wear dangles. I'm really not worried with this one, she is a saint in a little girls body. So, here are her before and after shots...she was really brave. I think it helped that some other girls were watching.

Oreo..take two

So, it is official. My biggie bigs is a cookie hound! The other day he loved the 5cent cookies from the bakery and last night he "ate" another Oreo. Dad tried to take it away, but he was having NONE of that! He is so cute though, gotta love him!

It has been a nice quiet couple of days. Wed. all the kids went to their "other homes" and Biggie Bigs and I hung out with friends. Then yesterday he went to daycare and I started scrapbooking our family vacation. I managed to scrap 2 of the 6 days. (unfortunately one of those days was the driving day, but hey, I'm 1/3 done) Looks like a nice weekend (I'm not talking about the weather) We'll go visit Grandma GG at the Relay for Life, go to Grandpa & Diana's wedding reception/party, help out at church, take B up to camp, and most importantly spend Biggie Bigs real birthday thanking God for our perfect creation! Where did the year go? Amazing!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

A busy day

On Tues. the little boys each invited a friend over to spend the night. All B's friends were on vacation though, so he and Dad built a fort in the tree. Good thing I went out to take pictures because the first plan was to put it up about 10-12 feet in the air, without sides?!? They made adjustments and now it is only 6-7 feet up. But they worked on it for about 5 hours. It was nice for them to have that "male bonding" time. In the evening we all roasted s'mores over the backyard fire pit. Sis was gone at a friends, so it was just mom and the boys. We just found the idea of using peanut butter cups instead of chocolate on the s'more, YUM!

Biggie Bigs has been busy as usual. He has learned to climb up the stairs, only supervised though! He is also enjoying all his new toys from his big birthday party. Funny, we all learned our ABC's from Sesame Street, kid now learn it from their toys! He is also exploring the house like crazy, finding all kinds of new places to "get into." And with all that he seems to be trying new foods all the time, or at least slobbering on and rubbing them all over.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Sunday...the parties continue!

On Sun. morning we had all our family at church with us for Biggie Bigs' dedication. It was so nice to have those we love with us at church on Sun. It was really nice. Pastor Mike is so passionate and kind, we love our church. Biggie Bigs was absolutely adorable and quiet as a church mouse during the dedication. We couldn't ask for a cuter, better baby! Not that he is a baby anymore, we are about to hit 1 year!
Since my husband's family was in town we decided to celebrate Biggie Bigs' first birthday on Sun. afternoon. So, all our friends came back to our house for another party on Sun. afternoon. After a quick family BBQ lunch we had presents and cake! It was so cute to watch Biggie Bigs open his gifts and look at them in amazement. He loves music and so many of the toys were a huge hit! After the gifts we had "the cake." At first he wasn't sure about cake, but after he got through the frosting he was happy. I cut into the cake and he absolutely loved the cake part. Not a real frosting kinda' guy. He was happy to share his cake and frosting with dadee and his brothers and sister though. They all loved that.
It was a wonderful day and a busy weekend. Three events, July 4th, the dedication and a first birthday party. I think that covers my parties for the summer. Well, until J's birthday in Aug. Oh, and the bridal shower for my sister-in-law. At least they aren't in the same weekend! :)

July 4th BBQ

What a busy weekend! We had a great July 4th BBQ on Sat. despite the cold, wind and lack of sunshine...a true Humboldt County 4th! I thought that we wouldn't have very many guests due to the long holiday weekend that everyone was given, but I was wrong. We had 25-30 people over for burgers, fun and fireworks. It was a great time. I love the 4th! Earlier in the day we went down to Old Towne and walked around the booths, it was freezing!! The afternoon and evening at our house was much better, no wind and no sun, but also no fog. We did fireworks when dusk arrived (does it take longer to get dark on the 4th of July?) and the kids had a blast. Even the biggie bigs loved it.