Monday, June 29, 2009

Last Days of Vacation

Well, I'm home now. But I wanted to update the last few days of our vacation. On Wed. We took it easy, swam, shopped and had a family picnic with my husband's family. It was a great day. Although it was busy, there weren't any lines to wait in, which was nice.

On our last day of vacation we went back to California Adventure in the morning and then to Disneyland in the afternoon/evening. It was nice to do a final round of all our favorite rides and the ones we missed. Around 5pm the boys were tired so they went back to swim in the pool and relax. But Sis and I wanted more Disneyland, so we stayed, just the two of us! It was so much fun. Sis went to the Bippity, Boppity, Boutique and got her hair and makeup done. It was very magical, and she was treated like a princess for the rest of the night. It was so great to see how happy she was. I think this was my favorite memory, seeing her glee. It makes me want to cry just remembering her joy. I guess she won't be this little forever. So, Sis and I watched the show Fantasmic and then we were picked up around 11:30. It was a great end to a super vacation. Oh, the boys had a blast in the pool for hours too! Friday we had a llllloooonnnggg drive home, 13 hrs. Now we are home and ready for the rest of summer!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Universal Studios and Disneyland

On Father's Day (sun) we went to Universal Studios. It was lots of fun the kids had a blast on all the rides and really enjoyed the Studio Tour. It was a perfect day weather wise, sunny, but not too hot. We all really liked the Mummy ride and of course Jurassic Park (the water ride). Biggie Bigs was really great all day. We ended the perfect day with dinner at In 'n Out Burger! Yum!

On Mon. we met my husband's Aunt and she took us to Disneyland! We went to the main park all day long. We planned on leaving for a break in the middle of the day, but it was 10pm before we knew it. We stayed until the fireworks went off and then battled the crowds out to our car! Crazy! We rode all the big rides and a few small ones too. J loved Space Tours, Ky loved Space Mountain and B and Sis loved Splash Mountain. I think my husband and I were partial to the good 'ol Pirates of the Carribean. By the way, did you know they changed the name of Tom's Sawyer's Island, it is now the Pirate's Lair. What's up with that! Geez! It was a blast!

On Tues we did California Adventure. We got there at 10am and stayed until 4:30. Ky and B loved California Screaming! We did it twice in a row, the first time was awesome, the second made me a little queezie! We also loved Tower of Terror! Biggie Bigs was great both days! We went back to our hotel for some swimming and then to dinner at the Old Spaghetti Factory. We then went back to Disneyland and raced around to many rides while everyone else watched the shows and fireworks. At 12:30 we finally made it out to our car! What a day!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

a LONG trip!

Well, we made it! Actually it wasn't as bad as you might imagine. We left for Disneyland this morning at 3:30 am. It was smooth! The kids slept until around 7:15, we stopped for breakfast in Berkeley around 8;30 and then drove the rest of the way! (one stop for gas and one rest stop) We made it to our hotel by Disneyland at 3:00 (and the last hour was filled with traffic) The kids were great! And biggie bigs was awesome. He lost it and cried the last 15 minutes. Seriously, that is it!
Tonight we had dinner at the Rainforest Cafe and walked around Downtown Disney. The boys loved the Lego Store. Biggie Bigs danced with every, and I mean EVERY, band that we walked by. He loves to dance. It was sweet. So, I am in the hotel with biggie bigs and my husband is with the other four at the pool. What a guy! Tomorrow it is off to Universal Studios! Yeah! Now, all we can really think about is bed!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Our far!

Well, summer has begun at our house, for all the kids now. B and Ky have been out a week. They went to the Bay area with their mom last weekend. They went to see Chinatown in SF. When his grandma asked Ky if he liked Chinatown he said, "Yeah, but they had a lot of Chinese stuff there?!" Too cute. Speaking of funny, the other morning I asked him to charge his DS for our trip this weekend. He was looking for the charger and having a hard time finding it. When I went to ask him if he needed help he told me, "Yes, I've looked in this basket (where it should be kept) twice, hardly!" Yes...I'm sure you did. Out of the mouthes of babes, right.

J and Sis had their end-of-the-year talent show on Wed. Sis and two friends did a ballet (does there have to be a certain length to call something a ballet?!) that Sis choreographed. It was really sweet. She is on her way to seeing her dream of being a ballet teacher/veterinarian come true!

We leave for Disneyland on Sat. I am praying that the happiest place on Earth truly is. Especially with 5 kids ranging in age from 11 mo. to 12 years! Keep your fingers crossed. We are all really excited though. It should be a great kick-off to a fun summer! Here we go!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Little helper

Last night when daddy was unloading the dishwasher our littlest helper decided to join in. Biggie bigs was so cute pulling the drawer out of the dishwasher, in and out, in and out! He loved it. Of course he had to try and eat the dishwasher too, after all, who knows what it might taste like!? I'm sure the older kids can't wait to see this and add biggie bigs to the chore chart. One less chore for them to worry about. Unfortunately, I think they will have to wait a few more years. I keep telling them, when you are gone though, biggie bigs will have to do all your chores! :)

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


So, it seems that we count a lot to the biggie bigs. I've noticed that when we are going to do something or when we are playing we say " 1...2....3!" A lot! Today everytime he filled up his plastic giraffe with the blocks I would count to three and they would come tumbling out. Watching his face was so cute, everytime I got to "2" he would get the biggest grin on his face. He knew that something fantastic was going to happen when we got to "3!" It was so darn cute.

The other kids are anxious and excited about summer. Ky and B have only 2 days left of school, while J and Sis have another week. They are all so excited about what the summer will bring, and I'm sure what it will not bring (school). It reminds me of how wonderful summer was when I was growing up too. Although looking back summer sure seemed to be a lot longer than it is now. (remind me I said that when they are all driving me crazy in two weeks and summer seems to not have an end in sight!) Well, I am excited that summer is around the corner. We have summer school (J and Sis), TLC camp (B and J), soccer camp (Ky), dance camp (Sis), football camp (B), ballet classes (Sis), Disneyland, 4th of July BBQ, Biggie Bigs 1st birthday, J's 9th birthday, Biggie Bigs dedication at church, camping and our annual trip to Willowcreek for a week! Seriously, we can't fit another thing on our calendar. I think some time opens up around Nov. Seriously. Having 5 kids will do that to your calendar!

Thursday, June 4, 2009


Ok, now that I'm back to reality blogging is a lot harder than I thought it would be. Not that I don't think of a million things to write about, it is just that I can't find the time to do it! Partly because we are chained to "dial up" as our mode of connecting to the world. You have no idea how terrible that dialing sound is...and slow!! UGH! But I'm here and trying to get my blog done.

Tonight J and Sis had oreos for dessert. Daddy thought it would be a good idea to let biggie bigs hold an oreo. Remember, everything this boy touches goes straight to his mouth. So, it was a nice surprise for biggie bigs to have an oreo instead of a toy or some dirt. He rather liked the taste of the Nabisco double stuff! Of course I had to run and get my camera, what kind of a mother would I be if I didn't get a first photo of the oreo! But in the back of my head I was wondering how my husband could justify the oreo, when he had just asked me the other day if goldfish crackers were safe enough for the biggie bigs to eat. You know with all those preservatives and such. What does he think that double "stuff" is made of? :) Well, needless to say the biggie bigs didn't really get to "eat" too much of his oreo, daddy saved the day and ate it for him. I did get a photo, or two...or ten.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Home again!

I returned home from my busy scrapbooking weekend! While it was so great to get away for the weekend, it was fantastic to return to my family! Biggie Bigs was excited to see me, with lots of smiles and drool! He's so dang cute! It was great to see my wonderful husband, I think he missed me too! :)

Today it was back to the grind! I subbed in the first grade, then picked up the biggie bigs, and we had scouts, then home with the rest of the kids for homework and dinner. Next thing I turn around and it is almost time for bed! I don't know where time goes. Only a few more weeks of school and then the good ol' summertime! We told the kids that we are taking them to Disneyland. They were very excited! Although my husband said he was expecting more whooping and jumping. Well, I'm off to pack lunches, fold laundry, and unload the dishwasher before going to bed, for some much needed rest! I think my late night scrapbooking is catching up with me already!